Tag health care

Health Care Task Force

I’m ready to start focusing on the issue of health care for Utah citizens. The legislature created a task force to study it. The Deseret News addressed the issue in an editorial today. I would like to know who is…

Defining “Rights”

I liked this very succinct argument about why health care is not a right. With one exception, the right to representation in court and a trial by jury, {the rights safeguarded in our Constitution} require nothing of any other citizen…

Rigging Universal Health Coverage

Devising a system of universal health coverage in Utah is a high priority for our governor (I'd say it's second to expanding our state economy). As usual, Scott is pointing out the glaring flaws in the approach the governor is taking.

Anti Universal Coverage

This came along before I started reading the Cato blog regularly but I am definitely a member of The Anti-Universal Coverage Club. Health policy should focus on making health care of ever-increasing quality available to an ever-increasing number of people.…

Conspiracy of Confusion

Diet is about as far from my normal topics as I can imagine. Part of the reason for this is that I generally follow the world’s simplest diet: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” (Michael Pollan January 28, 2007)…

Health Care Assistance

When I wrote about declining enrollment for CHIP in Utah I did some research on the requirements for CHIP. I learned that even though I am fully employed – meaning I make a comfortable living – my kids would be…

This Should Tell Us Something

The idea that the government should be involved in my health care has always been disconcerting to me. When I read Health care: You can’t give it away I was not sure whether I should laugh or cry. Apparently the…

NYT On Health Care

I was impressed with the New York Times editorial The High Cost of Health Care. I don’t really have time to review it here right now (it’s quite long) but it is well worth the read and I would like…

HSA Figures

I’ve already admitted that Health Savings Accounts are not the full solution to our health care system, but they are among the most powerful tools that we have today. The example of Whole Foods grocery really illustrates the point. Five…