Category politics

Year-round School is a Given

The KSL esitorial board is supportive of a move toward year-round school. They manage to demonstrate a crucial mis-characterization of childhood education: As Governor Huntsman put it in his recent State of the State address, “It is amazing to me…

Really Inevitable

Of all the things that we don’t know about the outcome of this year’s election there is one outcome that would be dependable. If Clinton is elected we will see more news like this. Those who vehemently dislike the Clintons…

Keeping the Race Alive

Ever since Romney ended his bid for the Republican nomination I have seen much commentary on how Huckabee would need to end his bid soon to preserve his chances at being selected as the VP on the McCain ticket. I…

Requirements for Voting

After I wrote about the value of caucuses I found an interesting opinion on lowering the voting age. We should hasten the enfranchisement of this generation, born between 1980 and 1995, by lowering the voting age to 16. . .…

Thoughts On Caucuses

The following snippet from a comment this morning (thanks Scott) really got me thinking. {Republican} Caucuses are the domain of grass roots Republicans. They are dominated by politically informed people that consider themselves conservatives. Primaries are far more open. One…

The Real Standings

I can’t stand the way that the media has been talking up the Republican race is if it’s McCains to lose. The facts point to a race that is far from decided and less favorable to McCain than the news…

Round Peg, Square Hole

I could never have been called an enthusiastic supporter of John McCain, but the more I read about him the less I would like to see him as president. Everything about his life and his time in office shows him…

Confusing Parties and Family Values

I have long thought it rather incongruous that the party of the “values voter” (the GOP) was offering all the candidates with horrendous personal histories related to family values while the party favored by those who seem intent on eliminating…

Crunch Time

January was a very nice month for me as I was able to write every single day. Plenty of things have been happening in politics as the presidential primaries have twisted and turned on the path to next Tuesday. I’ve…