The Wide Middle
I just discovered The Wide Middle today and I think that the concept of “open source public policy” is an example of how more political discourse ought to take place – based on the assumption that we agree on more…
I just discovered The Wide Middle today and I think that the concept of “open source public policy” is an example of how more political discourse ought to take place – based on the assumption that we agree on more…
I have to say that SUPERDELL events sound very entertaining. Fear not, my fundraising events will be worth their ticket if merely for entertainment value to the sceptics:). We are going to have some serious fun in Utah. I’m already…
This came along before I started reading the Cato blog regularly but I am definitely a member of The Anti-Universal Coverage Club. Health policy should focus on making health care of ever-increasing quality available to an ever-increasing number of people.…
It becomes more and more clear each day how powerful the internet can be as a tool to improve our political process by enabling citizens to be informed. A great example of that is The purpose of the site…
I’ve posted a couple of stories where people have given personal perspectives about politics that I thought were well considered. I recently discovered that NPR has a project called Get My Vote that is meant to allow people to share…
I was pleased to read from Phil Kerpen on Earmarks: An amendment to the budget sponsored by Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.) and presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain has been collecting some unlikely cosponsors over the past couple of…
What happens when a lifetime of experience gets processed in a period of introspection and begins to overwhelm a long held youthful idealism? David Mamet comes up with this: What about the role of government? Well, in the abstract, coming…
In a meeting with LaVarr Webb this morning two topics really stuck with me that seem to illustrate the most important political problems that we face as a nation. The particular issues we talked about were at the level of…
I thought it was interesting to read that Randy, at the Utah Conservative Democrat Blog, is seeing progressives among the Republicans and some rather undemocratic things among the Democrats and has begun considering the possibility of turning into a Utah…
Why did State lawmakers mandate a FrontRunner stop for Bluffdale? In some ways this sounds like the decision by UDOT to toss the Lehi City proposal for the Mountain View Corridor. SB286, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Killpack, R-Syracuse, exempts UTA…