Category politics

One Subject at a Time

Today I would like to introduce’s “One Subject at a Time Act” Most Americans probably believe a bill has to have majority support in Congress before it can become the law of the land. Sadly, this common sense expectation…

Equal Before the Law

In Sunday school today we were talking, among other things, about the freedom of conscience that was protected under Nephite law. The teacher (I can’t remember his name since it was our first week in a new ward) made the…

Fallout from Statewide Four 10’s Schedule

As I was riding the bus home yesterday there were very few riders. I overheard some people discussing it and suggesting that it might be related to the new four 10’s schedule of most government offices. That explanation makes sense…

We Are Not Doing Enough

In answer to Lyall’s question – “Are we doing enough?” In fact, Lyall answered his own question by saying: I remember three US history classes in school . . . Not one of them came close to teaching me about…

Federalist Nos. 21 – 22

Federalist No. 21 and Federalist No. 22 close the enumeration of the deficiencies of the United States under the Articles of Confederation. The argument that the federal government was impotent under the articles is well known but I did pick…

Followup on City Council Pay

Back in May I asked a question about attitudes regarding compensation for elected officials at the city level. I promised to write my conclusions in a followup and now I find that I never did that. My conclusion was that…

Eight of 440

For anyone who argued that the actions of Texas CPS were justified back in April, it is telling that two more months of investigations have authorities asking for 8 children to be returned to state custody. Out of 440 children…

When Mandates Are Not Optional

I generally do not favor government action that places a mandate on citizens. I don’t believe that it is the place of government to decide whether citizens should recycle or not, but if the options are between mandatory recycling and…