Taking a Long View

Aside from my interested in transit and my general appreciation for the possibilities of Utah County, I did not expect that I would have much to gain from FrontRunner South now that I have moved North. When I read about the groundbreaking for FrontRunner in Utah County the comments helped me see that I still have a stake in the project.

This comment:

Great, now I can take commuter rail all the way to Cougar football games on fall afternoons.

Reminded me that I will not likely go to many BYU games with family memebrs which has been a fun event once or twice a year for me while I lived in the area. Once the line is finished I could go from Bountiful as easily as I did from Lehi for those games.


They really should finish first what they have now considering the line from Ogden to Pleasant View City is still not complete.

Reminded me that there are still detractors who must still be countered with leavel-headed reason. Which section of rail is likely to have more riders per mile – Ogden to Pleasant View, or Salt Lake City to Provo?


  1. In reality, you will not want to ride FrontRunner to BYU games, just like you wouldn’t want to use it for going to General Conference. The number of people that can be handled in an hour on that line isn’t high enough to reduce congestion.

    It might make sense if you are traveling alone, but if you are with a few other people (like your family members), it will be cost prohibitive. There’s also the issue of getting from the FrontRunner station to the stadium, etc.

  2. Actually, it should be just fine for me. While FrontRunner won’t reduce congestion noticeably but it won’t be slowed by congestion either. In my case I would be traveling alone (or possibly with one other person) because everyone I go to games with still lives down close to BYU – they could pick me up at the station or I could catch a bus or walk. I’m confident that FrontRunner would be a better way to catch a game than driving myself and trying to find parking in Provo on game day.

  3. I can see how that would work for that situation. But it wouldn’t work for me to take a family of seven from Ogden to Provo and then get them up to the stadium, etc. Fighting traffic and parking woes would be simpler and less expensive out of pocket.

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