Sitting Out the Final Period

Seeing all the recent commentary on the Democratic Primary contest I have seen the pattern of less and less substantive discussion and more and more trash talk (by trash talk I’m not referring to the tone of the “discussion” but rather the way that it looks just like trash talk in sports – it has nothing to do about athletic ability and everything to do with getting in your opponent’s head).

Democrats have been saying for most of the primary season that they were thrilled to have such a large slate of well qualified candidates. Now that their contest has been narrowed to two candidates and no room for substantive discussion I’ve decided to quit paying attention to the primaries. Once we get into the general election I’m sure I’ll have some opinions to offer on the candidates, the issues, and the election process. Until then – I’ll focus on more local politics.


  1. You make a good observation David. It has now come down to guilt by association and attacks from surogates that is dragging down the campaign and it’s significance. The discussion of issues has been marginalized by peripheral stuff that is not that important.

    Personally, I hope the Democratic Party can decide upon a candidate sooner than later and we can all re-engage in the discussion of what is best for the future of our country.

    Best regards.

  2. I agree – we need to get things settled to a point where we can engage in a discussion of what’s best for the country. I wonder if we could convince the candidates from both parties (once they are each set) to take some time to publicly discuss what’s best before we inevitably devolve back into debating. What I mean by that is they should take the time to publicly define and acknowledge the common ground before shifting the focus to the differences. Then once someone is elected the President and Congress can start by addressing those issues where we all agree – that would be real political progress.

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