Hide and Seek

I was telling Laura about this and she said I should share the story.

We love playing hide and seek as a family. The kids get into it and Isaac and Mariah level the playing field by staying with Laura and I so we can’t just hide alone where the kids will never find us. We were having a game (I can’t remember if it was Monday or Tuesday last week) and on the last round Alyssa was the seeker. I had Isaac with me and Savannah was staying pretty close as well. When Alyssa came looking I was in our bedroom with nothing but Isaac to hide behind – I thought I would be seen for sure. Luckily Alyssa never looked towards us because she was focused on trying to get the bathroom door opened with Savannah holding it closed.

After she left the room Isaac got distracted with something else (probably chasing Alyssa – I can’t remember) and I hopped over the bed and laid down on the floor behind the bed. A few minutes later after Alyssa had found Mariah and Savannah had admitted to being found Savannah was looking for me and Laura (those who are found generally try to help the seeker – or at least they try to locate the rest of us). I heard Savannah come into our room thinking I was under the bed (it’s hollow under the bed and the bed skirt goes to the floor). When I was not under the bed she crawled right on through and out the far side where I was. She saw me and giggled.

Less than ten seconds later Isaac popped out from under the bed where he had followed Savannah. He then proceeded to follow Savannah as she left the room – proud to have found me. About 30 seconds after that I heard Alyssa come into the room and crawl the exact same path as the other two. Having finally been found by the seeker I just had to laugh at the sight of three of the kids crawling out like ghosts from under the bed right next to my head.


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