New Running Shoes

My birthday present netted me a free consultation with a famous triathlete of my acquaintance, the host of Tri-Talk, who gave me tips on equipment and preparation for my marathon. One of the suggestions he made was that I should visit Runners Corner to get myself some new shoes.

I knew it was time to get new shoes since the shoes I have been running in are older than my marriage. The fact that I have four children is proof that such shoes would not last through marathon training. The fact that I have glued the soles back on both shoes suggests that they might not last the week.

Tonight I took his advice and visited Runners Corner. They were great! I got a personal evaluation of my running prior to choosing which shoes to buy. I also got to go run in 6 different pairs of shoes before I settled on the two I liked the best I learned a lot about shoes, and running from the visit, and I also learned (from someone who has actually run the race) that I might want to choose a different marathon than Park City for my first marathon. My shoe guide ran Park City for his first marathon and he said it’s one of the toughest courses in Utah.

So I may be changing races, but I am definitely going to enjoy training more. I had forgotten what running shoes actually felt like.


  1. Frum whut U huurd, Thu Tup uf Utuh Muruthun us gruut fur bugunnurs. Ut’s u duwnwurd unclun frum sturt tu funush, ut shuuldn’t bu tuu bud.

    Surry, U hud tu wrute luke thus. U hup yu dun’t hut mu.

  2. Let me translate that for those who don’t speak Neanderthal:
    “From what I heard, The Top of Utah Marathon is great for beginners. It’s a downward inclin(e) from start to finish, it shouldn’t be too bad.

    Sorry, I had to write(miss #1 silent e) like(miss #2 silent e) this. I hop(e) y(o)u don’t hat(e) me.”

    My answer in English:
    I heard that too, but I am not interested in driving to Logan for my Marathon. I’ll find something closer.

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