
I have been looking for a long time to migrate to a new blogging platform. I thought WordPress looked promising, but it could not handle my multi-blog wishes (I am unwilling to install multiple copies of the software just to run multiple blogs). I finally discovered b2Evolution. Why did nobody ever tell me about this before. It springs from the same roots as WordPress, but it supports multiple blogs and multiple languages besides the skins, valid code, open source licensing and everything else that WordPress offers.The installation was a 6 minute installation, not as famous as the “famous 5 minute installation” from WordPress, but still very simple. The only trouble was that I am extremely picky about changing the look of my site, so I started by creating a new skin before I moved over to the new platform. I am now moved and these MovableType blogs will now be consigned to the archives. I will leave the static pages up so that there will be no broken links, but the only change I will make over here from now on will be to make sure that those static pages link back to the live b2E blogs.

My new feed is located here. It is RSS2 but if you go to my new site you can also find feeds to my posts or comments in earlier versions of RSS or Atom.

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