Tag kids


I worked 16 hours yesterday to finish a database transfer to a new server for a client. This morning – only a couple of hours after going to bed – life demanded that I be on duty again. We had…

Naps Are Evil

Going against ages of parental wisdom, I am prepared to declare that naps for children are evil. Really the problem is not naps, it is anything to do with sleeping (including not sleeping). The holiday seasons seems to bring out…


Six months after the well-hyped grand opening I made my first visit to IKEA. I had heard many good things (and nothing negative) about IKEA from a variety of sources. The reason that I didn’t go to IKEA before was…

Bedtime Dynamics

As Savannah and Alyssa share a room we have a near nightly ritual where one gets mad at the other for some infraction of the Sisters Code of Conduct™ (at least on the nights where they don’t both test how…

Needed: Waterless Bathing System

Someone needs to come up with a way to get kids clean without involving water or a bathroom. My kids have just used the necessity of a bath as an excuse to break every possible rule in the bathroom. Toothpaste…

Faith of a Child

Kids are amazing. While I was running this morning I was thinking about what my 18 month-old daughter did last Sunday when I was at an early morning meeting. I again realized what an impressive feat it was. When I…

New Words

My third daughter is at that stage of development where she is coming up with new words at an incredible rate. It has been fun to see her language blossom so that she is using words more and more, rather…

The New Zone

Just before I started this job I posted some predictions of how it the new situation would affect the members of my family. After four months I think we have settled into a new comfort zone where the real effects…

Anxiously Engaged

I have been weighed down today by all the things that I want to be doing in the near future, and more specifically with how many of those things conflict (time-wise) with each other. As I pondered this little frustration…

The Game of Life

Last night I had a very interesting dream about a computer program called “Life” or “The Game of Life.” This was not the one that some people have heard of where cells live or die based on some mathematical rules…