Tag kids

Sobriety Checkpoint

As I was taking a couple fo the kids up the canyon tonight to go fishing I got stopped at one of those Sheriff’s Office Sobriety Checkpoints where they were stopping every car entering or leaving the canyon. That’s a…

A Dose of Competition

Today was a work day for the kids because they have not had to do any of their regular work in the last week. Unfortunately (but unsurprisingly) we found that they seemed to have misplaced their ability to work. They…


I thought about the value of wandering as one of our neighbors walked past our house this afternoon. He was just out for a walk with his daughter and their dog. There are many possible reasons that might have prompted…

Six Months to Digest

For the first time in years I got to sit through an entire general session of conference with almost no interruption. It was exciting to actually be able to listen to each speaker rather than simply catching bits and pieces…

The Easy Way

I couldn’t pass up the insights of Jim Harper in his post Learned Helplessness On several occasions recently, I have noted able-bodied Senate staff taking advantage of this convenience. Though they could open the doors themselves and enter more quickly,…

Hide and Seek

I was telling Laura about this and she said I should share the story. We love playing hide and seek as a family. The kids get into it and Isaac and Mariah level the playing field by staying with Laura…

More Is Not Always Better

In January I wrote my personal feelings about the value of all-day kindergarten. Today I learned a few things I didn’t know before. As a fan of irony I knew I would enjoy this when I read the opening: All-day…

Prophetic Me

My mom was visiting this afternoon as Savannah was performing in a dance recital. Before we left for the recital Mom asked how soon before Isaac would start walking. He was holding on to the leg of my pants at…

Giving All

I have been thinking a lot today about what I am trying to teach my children, and what I would like to teach the young men I work with in scouts. It stems from what I continue to strive for…