Family Man
I am committed to carving out one-on-one time with my kids - one kid each evening - so that our relationship will be stronger and I will be more perceptive about things in their lives.
I am committed to carving out one-on-one time with my kids - one kid each evening - so that our relationship will be stronger and I will be more perceptive about things in their lives.
I failed to get a picture of Ezra after he climbed into the toilet but I couldn’t pass up the chance to take a picture when I found that he had climbed into the sink this morning (in the same…
At some point in their lives everybody has seen a picture on the internet where a parent chose to snap a photo of something crazy happening to (or caused by) their child. The photo is very funny but you are…
I have to admit that this was published well after the fact so I have no pictures handy to add and I am going to dispense with the statistics for now. Despite the sparseness of this post I did want…
Last night Savannah asked me what time I went out weeding in the mornings. I told her 6:00 and apparently she set her alarm for 6:30 this morning so she could join me. When she came out I was still…
photo credit: orkydorky Last week we had a family reunion at Bear Lake. It was great for the kids to see their cousins and for everyone to have fun on the water and off. In planning for the trip the…
photo credit: Amodiovalerio Verde Last night, before I realized that today was Father’s Day, Enoch taught me exactly what it means to be a father. He was fussy and tired, it was two hours past bedtime, and we had already…
I got the exciting news that I am a new uncle again as my brother and his wife had their new baby girl this morning. I expect she’s beautiful but I haven’t seen any pictures yet. On the other hand,…
Yesterday at church was apparently a contest of wills between Isaac and me. He was acting up and causing a disturbance in sacrament meeting and I took him outside. Eventually he won his way back in only to have Laura…
For those who don’t know, Mariah is all girl in every way. It shows up in everything she does from dancing to dressing to interacting with babies. We got another taste of it last night when she had to put…