Tag history

A New Birth of Freedom

How do we rekindle the flame of liberty in the heart of all American citizens? I have been thinking about that question. It continues to disturb me that high turnout in an election approaches 50% participation. That is evidence of…

Unseen Rhythm

For some time I have been wishing that my posts from my earlier blogs could be included in my archives here. There were some specific posts that I felt should be included so that I could refer back to them…

One Year

Today marks one year since I started this blog. Considering that I had done significant blogging in the three years before that you would have thought it would be stable, but I have been through 2 blogging platforms, 3 name…

American Greatness

While writing about Independence Day I began thinking about what makes a nation great. I thought about how we can become greater, and how we can lose our greatness. It seems to turn on our perspective. If we believe that…

Uncivil War

Today is the anniversary of the official surrender at Appomatox that ended the Civil War in 1865. That random tidbit struck home to me as I was reading The Passing of the Armies by Joshua Chamberlain (who officially received the…


I should have been able to predict long ago what today would be like. I knew before I started reading the news today that there would be stories of memorial services where they would rehash the events of five years…

Making Tracks

I finally have an official acceptance to the PhD program at Mizzou. It has been a month since they last contacted me and I have been anxious for most of that month. Less than 30 minutes after I got the…