Tag death

Don’t Pounce!

As evidenced by the history already recorded here, keeping rodents as pets with young children pretty well guarantees that there will be a pattern of escape and recapture. Such was the case tonight. Mariah informed me that one of Alyssa’s…

Stability Amid Change

I remember when Elder Neal A. Maxwell died followed closely by the death of Elder David B. Haight. I thought at the time that the church had enjoyed what seemed to be an unusually long period of stability among the…

Life After Death

I have noticed an interesting trend/pattern within myself ever since my grandma died. I am more sensitive to death. When I hear about a death – even some fictionalized ones, I have a different kind of reaction than I used…


I spoke about life overcoming death. It just occurred to me that we have another instance of life replacing death as the focus of our existence. Later this year we will have another life to think about.


I have been thinking about this whole process of death and grieving since Grandma’s death. I am amazed with how unpredictably predictable it has been. If you had asked me to predict two months ago – before Grandma was even…


I enjoyed reading Hyrum’s posting on Pain a few days ago. I thought I would offer the final correction. Last night Grandma died. She had had enough of the pain and finally it was over. The doctors kept getting mixed…


I have been riding an interesting emotional roller-coaster in the last few days. My grandmother – who has had her share of health problems in the last few years but is really very healthy considering her age – was diagnosed…