MIT Open Courseware

With the pioneering efforts of MIT’s Open Courseware initiative it will be interesting to see what happens to academic conversation as various universities publish their courses openly – which MIT hopes they will do and which some are starting to…

Copyright or Copywrong

Interesting session at the Instructional Technology Institute at Utah State about copyright issues. Larry Lessig from the Stanford Law School gave a little history lesson on the way copyright law has changed since it’s inception. It started as an opt-in program where work was only copyrighted if the creator of intellectual property registered it and marked it. Unless they renewed it the copyrights only lasted 17 years. In 1976 it became an opt-out system where every creative work was copyrighted by default unless otherwise stated and it lasts much longer than 17 years. I think it is easy to see that that is in direct conflict with current technology which makes creative works much easier to produce and thus much more numerous. I liked the way Larry differentiated between original creation and remix creativity. Those derivative works are a large portion of what gets people into copyright trouble today and they make up a large portion of the creative work being churned out today. I found it extremely ironic that the courts use case law all the time where they look at and reference previous opinions – sometimes to agree and sometimes to disagree – as the basis of the opinions in new cases. These are the people that have consistently ruled that there should be severe restrictions on reference and repackaging of creative works.

Instructional Design as a Conversation

I read a copy of this presentation from when Andy Gibbons gave it in Orlando in June 2004. Being in a live session was interesting as one of the participants in the session suggested that the trial and error method…


I think that David has captured one of the keys to being a dependable voice in the blogosphere as he talks about childish behavior. One of the things that really tells me that a blogger is fair and civil in…


I have been preparing a talk about balance based on Doctrine and Covenants 10:4. It has been interesting finding material and noticing how general the topic of balance in life is. I have categorized the general areas of balance as:…


I enjoyed reading this editorial but whether it is the right thing to do or not I am sure that it is not realistic to expect president Bush to specifically condemn the attacks on John Kerry. One of the major…

Two Non-Binding Parties

I was interested as I read this article from Wired Magazine about the new opportunities in politics for people to define themselves outside the strictly Republican vs Democrat framework. Instead they can define themselves in contrast to a party affiliation.…