I found it interesting to see the results of the first comparison between charter schools and public schools which founds that the Education > Nation’s Charter Schools Lagging Behind, U.S. Test Scores Reveal” href=”http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/17/education/17charter.html?hp”>Nation’s Charter Schools Lagging Behind the public schools. I have nothing against charter schools and nothing against “No Child Left Behind.” The only thing I am interested in is improving our education system in the United States. I don’t know how to do that right now, but I have an idea of how to find out some answers. We need two very broad studies an our education system. One study should be a widespread inspection of those schools and districts which have consistently performed well above the national average. The study should take special note of those schools which have been performing above average which have the lowest budgets both overall and per student. The second study should be a study of students who have performed individually well above average again making sure to look closely at those from underpriveledged backgrounds. Neither of these studies should look at a particular aspect of the schools or the students. It should be a matter of gathering as much information as possible and trying to find some commonalities that might suggest the causes for their success. Then we could look at ways to foster in less successful schools and students any common traits found in in the successful schools and students. I would honestly be very surprised if I were the first person to think of this. Perhaps I am not reading the right sources to know who is doing this work already. If that is the case I would be very grateful if anyone could point me to the work of people who are doing this type of study.