An Age Problem
I’ve mentioned that I have a problem with the ages of most of the presidential candidates. Today a thought struck me that I think would put that problem in perspective. I realized that Elizabeth Warren – the third youngest legitimate…
I’ve mentioned that I have a problem with the ages of most of the presidential candidates. Today a thought struck me that I think would put that problem in perspective. I realized that Elizabeth Warren – the third youngest legitimate…
People are interested in some assurance that health care won't bankrupt them. Insurance is the most common vehicle for that today, but that's not because people inherently want insurance - just see those young and healthy people who would rather not get insurance because their brain assures them they don't need it.
With yesterday’s rule change on holding conference championships the Big 12 has an opportunity to get their “13th data point” but they can structure it so that they only hold a championship when they don’t have a clear champion already.…
I had fun considering what I would list as my top five book to begin building a man's personal library.
Spiritual strength comes from consistent practices of personal religious observances much more than correct theological beliefs.
My thoughts as I listened to JP and Bryce on their Sons of Adam podcast about my list of the Traits of Manhood.
Two truths seem to be lost on some people: 1) asking a question accepts the answer given rather than demanding a preconceived answer; 2) advocating for change in the church is best done without blatantly disregarding you local leaders.
Exploring the defining traits that separate a man from an adolescent.
Does anyone have what it takes to see and seize the opportunity in Detroit that is represented by their $1000 homes for sale? Can this work to revive that beleaguered city?
Imagine what we could learn from a large scale prospective longitudinal study. We could (and should) start such a study which would provide value on its own and also lay the foundation for many other more detailed and specific longitudinal studies.