Category technology

Wireless Electricity

I’ve always said that there should be a way to power devices wirelessly. Now MIT has proven that it can be done. Just think what that will mean for the world of mobile devices.

The Way Things Work

I spent a great deal of time working on a post that I thought might become a classic on my blog. The day after I posted it I got comments (real comments, not spam) on another post that was not…

New-Tech Day

I think that today marks the first time that three new technology concepts that I could get excited about have land on my desk in one day. Two of the three are quickly spreading around the internet while the third…

Places I’ve Been

I have been enjoying reading Mark Hanson’s blog and there I stumbled upon this way to show what states I’ve been to. I can’t count the number of times I been in discussions with people about who has traveled where…

Protect Your Credit

I got a “please pass it on” email that actually looked useful. Being generally unwilling to pass emails on, and considering that most of my email contacts would already have a copy from the person who sent it to me,…

Transit Options in Less Populous Areas

One of the problems that I have been thinking about with the growth taking place in Utah County is the balance that we need to strike between addressing the current needs and preparing for future needs, all with current resources.…

Looking to Europe

I do not look favorably on many of the traits common among many European countries (higher taxes to fund broader social programs, shorter workweeks, that kind of thing). However a brief mention of Europe in Transportation Watch reminded me that…

Posting Rich Text Email

I have created a hack for wp-mail.php that allows rich text emails to be processed. I call it wp-mail-rich. To use it you simply copy the wp-mail-rich.php file in the folder where WordPress is installed (where the wp-mail.php file is)…

Behind The Caucus

Random wanderings took me to the code view of the New York Times political blog – The Caucus. Like the Library of Congress blog, it is based on WordPress. They have modified it enough to make it difficult to detect,…