Category politics

The Iraqi Constitution

I have been very interested to hear about the progress on the Iraqi constitution. Naturally most of the commentary was about how bad the constitution was and how it was a step backwards for the US. I keep hearing about…

Nomination and Confirmation

Well, we’ve had the name of John Roberts as the niminee for the opening on the Supreme Court bench for a couple of days now. I have tried to give myself some time to gather some information and draw some…

Cabinet Shuffle

Normally I don’t link to things where I have nothing to add, but this seemed like a good exception to make. From the New York Times OpEd Replace the Surgeon General position with the position of America’s Nurse. Another reason…

No god but God

I have been trying to learn more about Islam in an effort to sort out the truth from the fiction that is reported in conjunction with the war on terror and other similar realities of our day. As a part…

Time for a Poll

In our country, which is run by polls anyway, I think that it is time to take a poll to find out Is Cheap Broadband Un-American? According to the article “cities . . . recognized broadband access as a basic…

More Daylight

What difference will more daylight savings make to those of us outside of Arizona? Not much that I can see. If the politicians want to pass this I don’t mind it. I would love to use more sunlight, but let’s…

When Will We See the Light

It is about time that we acknowledged the truth of what happens when Lobbyists have so much sway in our system of government. I don’t think there is anything else to say after what Mr. Lessig wrote. This is more…

The Central Issue

Midway through 2004 I talked about the importance of having a two party system in Utah specifically. The Deseret News now writes a story quoting Harry Reid saying the same thing on a national level. Senator Reid put it perfectly…