Category politics

Why John Swallow Should Resign Even If He Did Nothing Illegal

John Swallow should resign despite the assumption that he is innocent because 1) he has displayed very poor judgement, and 2) the investigations against him dilute the effectiveness of the entire Attorney General's office. It is abundantly clear that regardless of his innocence or guilt the people of Utah would be better off with a new Attorney General.

Saving Social Security

When I heard Doug Wright say that he was incensed to hear someone characterize Social Security as charity it got me wondering - maybe it would be a good thing if social security were set up more like a charity so that we did not make it available to people who had sufficient assets to support themselves.

The Issue of Secession

Is the lack of a constitutional provision for secession a problem? What would such a provision look like? I would like to explore these questions to see what it reveals about secession and about our nation.

Scott Howell for US Senate

When I wrote a better to the editor in support of Dan Liljenquist during the GOP primary earlier this year one of the comments that was made in response to my letter was that once Hatch won the primary all…

Political Sacred Cows

Whenever someone assigns one thing as unassailable - whether it's HAFB, the importance of seniority, the idea that all elected officials are crooks who should be replaced, or even the original text of the U.S. Constitution - it eventually leads them to make decisions that are undesirable in the long run.

Politics vs Economics

I am not surprised that there are big ideas that make perfect sense from an economic perspective which are politically unpopular - after all, doing what has been deemed to be politically possible has led us to a dire economic position.

The Liberty Line

So long as freedom of religion is protected we have reason to celebrate our independence - even if we have to work to restore or protect our other natural rights.