Category Education

Academic Weakness

I have recently recognized that one of my primary academic weaknesses is that I become intensely interested in everything I study. When I started out my interest in education was instructional design. Later I took a class in assessment, not…

Social Computing Experiment

I have been introduced to an experiment in Social computing by some members of AECT called The Overlay. If anyone is interested in looking at their system and what they have done they are looking for people to play around…


I have long known that some people will do things one way and other people in the same situation will do things a different way. I have incorporated my blog into this social computing class and a few other people…

Noema and Noesis

It is interesting to read about noema and noesis (Dourish p. 105). I was struck by the fact that we have to recognize something and we have to also distinguish between seeing it, or remembering it or imagining it. It…

Interesting Discussion

Here is an interesting discussion at Situativity regarding the uses of blogs. One of the problems that I find as far as reaching the critical mass is that people blogging in education do not seem to be a typical sample…

Social Computing Patterns

Part of the fun of the Social Computing class is that we can look at ourselves and evaluate the social computing of our class. One way we have done that is to interview other members of the class regarding the…

Ubiquitous Computing

I have been thinking about ubiquitous computing since our discussion in class and I think I have the best current example of ubiquitous computing – Shadow netWorkspace. Not that Shadow is alone in that distinction, but it is one we…

Good Catch

I do not think this little fact can ever be overemphasized: Learning Theory Does NOT = Instructional Design Theory. The minute we confuse our prescriptive theories with the descriptive theories upon which they are based it becomes impossible to accurately…


I thought it was very interesting to read about the Chicago School in the context of movements within the fields of anthropology and sociology. After reading about the Chigaco School in Where the Action Is (Dourish 2001 p.62) all my…

RSS Tools

I talked about how RSS would be the best way to keep up with class blogs. In case anyone is interested in using RSS, I have found a page that lists some good RSS readers for any platform – RSS…