While responsibility is the core of manhood, being proactive is a hallmark of manly responsibility.
JP should have his own blog to publish things like this that he's using on his podcast.
Fatherhood done right exemplifies all the highest traits of manliness and thus it is a great way to teach about those traits but we should be careful about leaving the false impression that fatherhood is an indispensable element of full manhood.
Four articles that take a deeper, more complete look at the concept of modesty.
My thoughts as I listened to JP and Bryce on their Sons of Adam podcast about my list of the Traits of Manhood.
While there is no limit to the number of networks a person may benefit from, everyone should seek to be part of at least one solid community at every time in their lives
I understood Memorial Day with my head before but now I understand it with my heart.
The tactic of not disclosing accusations traps decent people but has no adverse effect on malicious rule breakers.
It was much simpler to weaken marriage than it will be to strengthen it again.
Imagine what we could learn from a large scale prospective longitudinal study. We could (and should) start such a study which would provide value on its own and also lay the foundation for many other more detailed and specific longitudinal studies.