Last week I received a new donor card from the Red Cross and a letter to go with it. The letter contained an interesting statistic that the Red Cross receives a large majority of their donations from only 30% of their donors. Just to be clear, the statistic is that 30% of those who donate – not 30% of the total population – provide much more than half of the blood supply. Specifically it is the 30% who donate repeatedly and of course the message of their letter is that they want me as part of that minority of donors.
Later in the week I was at the temple when the thought struck me that although I have no statistics on it, I think it highly likely that the great majority of temple work done is performed by a minority among those who go to the temple. I realized that this is a consistent pattern. Only a small minority of Boy Scouts perservere in their scouting and advance to the Eagle rank. A minority of families raise the majority of children in each succeeding generation. A minority of active voters participate in the primary process and earlier activities to get informed and select candidates for office. A minority of religious people actually attend services regularly and keep their respective churches operating.
As I thought about it I realized that the only minorities that matter are not those we are assigned to such as Hispanics, African Americans, blind people, or midgets, but the ones we decide to be part of like repeat blood donors or involved citizens.
Everyone, by their choices, is part of some minorities whether good or bad. For those who wish to make a difference the question is not merely “what good things do I want to do” but “what things can I do more or better than most of the people who are casually involved?” As we make those decisions we must recognize that we can’t do everything but we can choose where to do something.
[…] (like committee assignments in a legislative body) it is what individuals choose to do and how they self identify within the larger group that determines the scope of their influence and acceptance within the […]