Sociologists in Design

In an effort to have a week-long conversation – rather than a 36 hour conversation each week – I am going to put some less considered thoughts out here for everyone to consider.

As I was reading chapter 3 of Where the Action Is I was immediately caught by the idea that sociologists are involved or should be involved in the design process of technology. That makes perfect sense to me in light of the fact that actions influence context and context also influences action. In creating new technologies we should consider how they will change the context of human interactions. That is one good reason, but there is a second good reason to have the involvement of sociologists. We must also consider the actions that people might take that we had not intended for them to take with our technology which might also affect the context of human interaction. We need to look forward to the consequences of unleashing the internet on the world and how people will misuse it as well as how the world will change as people get used to having access to so much information on demand.