

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.


I wrote yesterday that I had taken my garden in early in the season. Little did I know that we would get hail today which would tear apart many of the plants that I had not already pulled.

Slow Way of Life

While running errands this afternoon I was listening to the radio and I heard about a movement that started in Italy in 1999 that really seems to embody the lifestyle I would like to create for myself. The movement is…

Gardening Problem

I face a little problem with my garden. Having extra time today, I finally got around to starting to clean out my garden. I know it’s a bit early in the season right now, but the bugs have been getting…

What is “Me”?

As posted here, I lost my job yesterday. Naturally the people around me ask how I feel after that. I understand the question. This is one of those things that can be taken very hard. Thankfully I am completely at…

Another Anniversary

I found it ironic to look at the title of my last post. Today marks the one year anniversary of when I started my job – or rather, my former job. Out of the blue today I was informed that…


I should have been able to predict long ago what today would be like. I knew before I started reading the news today that there would be stories of memorial services where they would rehash the events of five years…


I am going to reserach and write about everything I can find that has been written or spoken under inspiration regarding Zion. This includes Zion as found in Eden, Enoch, Salem, Kirtland, Nauvoo, Salt Lake, and the New Jerusalem. I…

From the Pope

The Pope has been visiting Germany and has had a few very interesting things to say. Here are a few little clips from an article about his visit where he says things with which I wholeheartedly agree. He also stressed…

More Good News

Here is some more good news within the GOP. Dick Cheney’s word is no longer gospel. He seems to be going the way of Karl Rove. I only wish that this article could have been true three years ago.

Unexpected Benefits

You never know what unexpected benefits will arise from something which is good. Here is a good example related to Creative Commons licensing. Nobody could have predicted when creating an open licensing option, or when using one in publishing a…