Category: culture

  • After #MeToo

    Zero-tolerance is fine if the goal is revenge or punishment. If the goal is real change then something more effective is called for. The focus must be on healing and support for victims alongside change for both perpetrators and potential perpetrators.

  • A Time for Contrition

    Half an apology from a man who publicly declares a policy of no remorse in his life proves that he doesn’t understand the power of words and should not be entrusted with such a position of influence as he is seeking. If he is “our best option” in the election then our society has bigger…

  • U.S. Schools start too early

    If anything is conclusive proof that more doesn’t always equal better the American education system is it.

  • Daily Religious Observances

    Spiritual strength comes from consistent practices of personal religious observances much more than correct theological beliefs.

  • 5 Evidences of Our Broken-Family Culture

    These 5 facts do make retirement planning different for women than for men, but a healthy culture of lasting marriages and caring families mitigate each of them.

  • Adult Desires vs Children’s Rights

    Saying that we can make no legal distinction between heterosexual couples and homosexual couples means that we codify into law that the desires of adults take precedence over the rights of children. Those who would argue that the logic behind this is anti-adoption are missing the point.

  • Promiscuity Culture is a War on Women

    By making the social and physical cost/risk of sex appear artificially low, those who promote loose sexual morals place a heavier burden on women by encouraging them to participate too easily and ignore the hidden costs of doing so.

  • Pornography and Addiction

    Pornography provides a dopamine hit for your brain just like smoking a cigarette provides a nicotine hit for the brain. In other words, what we might call a cigarette addiction is classified as a nicotine addiction and what we should call a pornography addiction would be classified as a dopamine addiction.

  • Shifting Responsibility in Sexual Assault

    We should never blame the victim or justify the aggressor in a sexual assault but there is a time and place to discuss risk factors and teaching potential victims how to minimize their risk. Talking about specific risk factors and ways to minimize risk isn’t blaming the victim.

  • It’s not sexuality OR self-expression

    Photo by Photo Dean Despite how the media and students are portraying the situation, the Bingham High dress code fiasco isn’t about sexuality nor is it about self-expression despite what this article in the Standard Examiner suggests. They got their spin from the girl who led the protest walkout on Monday. She said this: I…