As posted here, I lost my job yesterday. Naturally the people around me ask how I feel after that. I understand the question. This is one of those things that can be taken very hard. Thankfully I am completely at peace with this, although I was in shock when I first heard the news.
As people have asked how I am, I have answered that I have never been among those people who identify themselves with their job. Consequently, losing my job does not leave me feeling like I have lost a part of my identity. After saying that a few times I have found myself wondering – is there anything with which I do identify myself?
As far as I can tell so far, there is only one thing that could be taken away from me, even temporarily without my consent with which I identify myself. That is Laura. Besides that I identify myself with my desires, my goals, my potential as a child of God, and my role as a husband and father. None of those things can be stripped from me involuntarily, and some cannot be taken even if I were willing to give them up.
I hope that is a good thing.