

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Misleading Headline

It’s frustrating to read articles such as the Daily Herald’s “Lehi residents talk about east-west freeway” because the title suggests that there might be a Lehi viewpoint to the article. It looks more like a UDOT viewpoint. The results of…

Caught Up

The 9th snuck up on me this month, but I consider myself to be caught up on candidate endorsements. Admittedly I did not do an endorsement for Fred Thompson, although I had him on my list. I consider myself caught…

Daniel Imperato

I have been conflicted on whether I should endorse Daniel Imperato. He has experience in business, which is generally a good thing for a president, and he appears to be a candidate with conviction. He seems to know what America…

No Working Title

Following the wise lead of Laura I am changing the title here to be more reflective of my focus. I have been at this long enough to recognize the kinds of things that I write about here. For some time…

Lehi News Organization

One primary concern for a Lehi news organization would be cost. Especially the upfront cost. Getting a website would be financially painless, but getting paid reporters or printing with any regularity would become cost prohibitive very quickly without a revenue…

Community News Organization

I read a blog post on 10 things about the future of newspapers which seemed to paint a clear picture of what news can and should be like in our current age. One of the key points was that newspapers…

Independence Day

Let it be known openly that the Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love this country. I love what it stands for. I love the way that we celebrate it (family, fireworks, and food). I think…

Community: Ritual

Ritual in a community includes parades, holidays, and customs which bind the community together. The rituals of a community help to create a shared identity. Some examples might include the Fourth of July or Christmas. While the entire nation (which…

Community: Entertainment

Entertainment could also be called arts and entertainment or any number of other names. It consists of things like theater, art, and parks. Essentially it provides the infrastructure for relaxation and play. Relaxation and playing are important aspects of our…

Political Excitement

I noticed last week that I had not found much commentary worth marking in my daily reading of the news and the many blogs I follow. I went on vacation for a couple of days so that I read nothing…