

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.


I have been looking at the advertising by Comcast for their big bundle – three services for $33/month (each). I say to myself “that’s $100 a month to Comcast.” Then again, Cable can easily run $50/month so that’s a steal.…

Not My Will but Thine

I have been thinking about the prayer offered by the Savior in Gethsemane – specifically the plea “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not as I will but as Thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39; see…


I am currently trying to define what I want in my life. It’s like having a fresh start because I have not felt like I was going anywhere so I can pick any direction that I want. As I reviewed…


I have been thinking about the comments I got from my personality posts I have to admit that I did not understand at first what Jason meant when he said: “The trick, for me at least, is to find reasons…

Moving On

I’m getting tired of dwelling on being unsatisfied with my life. I’m going to make an effort to move on to other topics. Either they will be happier topics related to my life or else I will write about things…


Thanks to the astute observations of a friend, I have refined my perspective on my current frustration. I do have a personality. The one he described sounds very familiar to me. The fact that my personality may easily go unnoticed…

Personality II

Ever since I recognized my lack of personality I have been thinking about how that came to be. My first thought was that being highly introverted plays a part in it. I was thinking of a way to say that…


I was sitting – nowhere near the computer – and suddenly I was struck with a thought. It started as a recognition that the best blogs I read have an established personality. Concurrent with that thought was the admission that…

Walking Blind

I spent much of last night awake and thinking about my current situation. It is not the unemployed factor that I was considering, but the repeated bouts of frustration and hope. Each time I get an interview I hope something…

Each Little Bit Helps

I spent most of today (8:00 am to 3:00 pm) helping my brother-in-law move. I have done this kind of thing quite often in my life and I have noticed something worth mentioning. When there are lots of people around…