

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Honorary Eagles

I was at a Boy Scout Eagle court of honor tonight for one of my younger cousins. This is in the same scout troop where I did my scouting as a youth. At the end of the ceremony all the…

Looking at Priorities

I was very impressed when I read The Most Important Thing™ by D’Arcy Norman. I was impressed with his candor and with his top priority – being a good father (it matches my own). I was also impressed at how…

Spam Watch – Refinance Loans

Three days ago I got a great idea from my spam email folder – wouldn’t it be funny to report the vast sums of money I have been approved for to “refinance” my house. I have since saved those refinance…

Rudy Giuliani

Another surprise in the endorsements. Before doing my homework I did not expect to find Rudy Giuliani to have good potential as a president. I knew that there were some positions he held which were not consistent with my own…

Political Prognostication

A random train of thought today brought me to a very interesting destination. Let me preface this by saying that I am not among the ranks of those who would have anyone but Hillary for President although I have no…

Family Life

I work with the scouts in my area and get to interact a lot with young men because of that. I have noticed a disappointing pattern. Anytime we try to plan an activity the response from at least one, but…

Lunar Day

I enjoyed watching the full moon set this morning as I was out running. I watched as the last wisp of the moon fell behind the mountains in the west. This evening I was driving to the store with my…

Needed: Waterless Bathing System

Someone needs to come up with a way to get kids clean without involving water or a bathroom. My kids have just used the necessity of a bath as an excuse to break every possible rule in the bathroom. Toothpaste…

Faith of a Child

Kids are amazing. While I was running this morning I was thinking about what my 18 month-old daughter did last Sunday when I was at an early morning meeting. I again realized what an impressive feat it was. When I…

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is one of the most recognizable figures in American politics today. From a campaign standpoint that is generally a good thing. Hillary’s problem is that she is also one of the most divisive figures in American politics. She…