

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Reactions to 22 Miles

I got a nice variety of reactions to the fact that I ran 22 miles today. It was the peak of my training for the marathon in July. I’m looking forward to the next seven weeks of fewer miles and…

The Way Things Work

I spent a great deal of time working on a post that I thought might become a classic on my blog. The day after I posted it I got comments (real comments, not spam) on another post that was not…

New-Tech Day

I think that today marks the first time that three new technology concepts that I could get excited about have land on my desk in one day. Two of the three are quickly spreading around the internet while the third…

David Koch

I discoverd David Koch I immediately went to look at his campaign sight because I was curious about this unknown candidate from my home state. One way that he has set himself apart from other candidates is that he has…

Places I’ve Been

I have been enjoying reading Mark Hanson’s blog and there I stumbled upon this way to show what states I’ve been to. I can’t count the number of times I been in discussions with people about who has traveled where…

Our Constitutional Foundation

My preferred perspective about Memorial Day is that it is not simply a day to remember those who have given “the last full measure of devotion” but also a day to reflect on what it is they were protecting. To…

Look to the Foundation

I’m not sure what started this train of thought in my mind, but I have been thinking about how things get misrepresented in public understanding. I’m sure that makes no sense to lots of people, but perhaps some examples may…

Prioritizing My Time

I am starting to discover how much effect my marathon training is having on my time. I had been feeling good that I was able to do my training in the early mornings so that it did not interfere with…

Dutch Oven Saturday

One of the things I enjoy doing is cooking in my dutch oven. Last summer I started a habit of cooking in the dutch oven every Saturday (nearly) and I liked it enough to decide to do it again this…