

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Seeds, Trees, and Fruit

I read Alma chapter 32 again this week and the analogy of the gospel as a seed. I have always loved the imagery of cultivating the tree of Christlike attributes in our lives through the exercise of faith. As I…

Bedtime Dynamics

As Savannah and Alyssa share a room we have a near nightly ritual where one gets mad at the other for some infraction of the Sisters Code of Conduct™ (at least on the nights where they don’t both test how…

Buildingblocks of Community

As I think about the components of an effective community I thought it would be valuable to list what I think are the essential parts of an effective community. I will try to define them just enough here to make…

Windows Genuine Safari

Apple ported their browser, Safari, to Windows and released a public beta this week. Having heard great things about Safari from a web-standards perspective I got it and had a look. Aside from the standards compliance it was just a…

Building a Community

I have been thinking about my desire to serve in an elected capacity. I said before that I did not know where I would want to serve, but I am beginning to narrow the possibilities down. I realize that what…

Bob Hargis

Every candidate should be able to sound at least as presidential as Bob Hargis. He states his positions confidently and none of his positions are too idealistic to be plausible. In spite of that, Bob Hargis is not prepared enough…

Jon Greenspon

I can’t figure out what is motivating Jon Greenspon to run for President. Nothing that I can find suggests that he has anything to offer the country except his willingness. If somehow he were to become President I have no…

Joe Schriner

There’s nothing average about 9 years of endlessly campaigning to become President, especially for a guy who has no monetary wealth. Joe started running for President in 1998 and has never really stopped since. He declared his candidacy for 2008…

Subtle Biases

Among the many places I get political news and information is the new York Time Political blog, The Caucus. Unique among those sources, The Caucus displays a tag cloud which shows the tags they use on their posts with the…