

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Random Injury Report

I must have a knack for this kind of thing because I really doubt that puncturing a fingernail is a common type of injury. I’ve done it twice in my life now. Once when I was young (I touched a…

Life Without Children

In a word – boring! I have had so much fun today watching the kids play in every possible combination. Issac playing with his cars, various combinations of kids playing a game where some or all of them are kittens.…

Males and Power Tools

Working next to a major construction site I have been interested to see the reactions of myself and others working in my area. Despite the fact that we are all professionals in careers of our choosing we are also very…

Surprise Benefit

When Congress passed the measure to extend daylight savings time I thought it was a silly move. I still do. They claimed that it would save some great amount of energy while I argued that the amount of energy saved…

Universal Holiday Spirit

If you do a little searching here my position on Halloween could hardly be described as positive. This year as we partook of the festivities of the day I underwent a marked change in perspective. We spent a couple of…

Home Again

You’d think that after three days in Disney World (after the conference sessions each day, of course) that I would be disappointed to come home knowing that the menu would be items like macaroni and cheese and then being greeted…

First Snowfall

Earlier this week, knowing that I would be too busy this weekend, I though to myself that I might only have to mow my lawn once more this season. With the light dusting of snow that we got yesterday I…

Congratulations to Carl

I almost have a lawyer for a brother. The Colorado Supreme Court just posted a list of people who passed the Bar Exam and he’s on it. Now all he needs is to be sworn in. What an accomplishment. CONGRATULATIONS!

Who Is That?

Conference was very enjoyable for me. For the first time in years I was not exausted for any of the sessions and I really connected with most of the talks, rather than just a few of them. I did manage…