

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Poorly Written Terms

Orrin Hatch invited people to comment at his blog on an op-ed he wrote. I decided to go share my thoughts and saw on his comments form that I was required to accept “terms of usage” to leave a comment.…

What’s in a Name?

Despite the fact that I have had my twitter account for over two years I’m still pretty low on the twitter curve. Let’s put it this way after more than two years of having the account I currently have a…

Finding Our Lost Sheep

Three days ago, on Wednesday evening, our hamster, Moonlight, got away from us. Normally when this happens we know where she is and/or she comes back where we can get her, but this time we could not locate her and…

The Test and the Key

Last November I was asked to speak in Sacrament meeting on President Packer’s talk from the October conference. I have long made it a standard practice to save my written talks for reference later if I get a similar topic…

Getting Carried Away

Kids do the darndest things – especially if you blink. Today, while we were out learning about the options for a swingset we stopped at IKEA for some food. After we were done I took the kids toward the car…

It’s Spring

Spring arrived a few days ago. I know this independent of whether the snow has melted and without regard to whether we have passed the technical March 21st that officially marks the change of seasons. I know it like an…

Article 13

Speaking of things which are virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy (in other words, things that we seek after) here is something worth watching and sharing:

Official vs Unofficial

Ever since I became aware of Mormons Made Simple I have been considering whether I should share the site with others. It is intended to be a resource for those who are not familiar with the LDS church to understand…

“I Want . . .”

Isaac has a habit – that seems pretty normal for his age – of changing his mind every second. Normally this is irritating to me, but this morning we had a very sweet little instance of this. He came out…

Surprise Musician

I really enjoy singing the hymns in church and most of the time I sing the Tenor part of the harmony. I enjoy those times when I hear others singing harmony as well when the congregation sings. Today I was…