

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Ubiquitous Computing

I have been thinking about ubiquitous computing since our discussion in class and I think I have the best current example of ubiquitous computing – Shadow netWorkspace. Not that Shadow is alone in that distinction, but it is one we…

Excess Capacity

I enjoyed reading about the Laffer Curve as it relates to taxes. I found it especially interesting because I have been thinking about the Sam Walton approach being applied to broadband internet access. I admit that I am wishing that…

Good Catch

I do not think this little fact can ever be overemphasized: Learning Theory Does NOT = Instructional Design Theory. The minute we confuse our prescriptive theories with the descriptive theories upon which they are based it becomes impossible to accurately…

Utah Society

I was amazed after my recent move to Missouri at how different things were out here. Inside the church people have a much more friendly and functional attitude and outside the church people have a much more friendly and inclusive…

Testing Content Management Systems

I am trying to start using a content management system that is free (as in – not the free license of a system like MT) and produces valid xhtml but I am unwilling to mess with this site where everything…


I thought it was very interesting to read about the Chicago School in the context of movements within the fields of anthropology and sociology. After reading about the Chigaco School in Where the Action Is (Dourish 2001 p.62) all my…

RSS Tools

I talked about how RSS would be the best way to keep up with class blogs. In case anyone is interested in using RSS, I have found a page that lists some good RSS readers for any platform – RSS…

Class Blogs

I have decided to add links to the blogs of my classmates so that it is easy to browse between our blogs. It occurred to me that the best way to make use of the blogs is if people in…

Sociologists in Design

In an effort to have a week-long conversation – rather than a 36 hour conversation each week – I am going to put some less considered thoughts out here for everyone to consider. As I was reading chapter 3 of…

Online Learning Tool

One of the downsides to the popularity of online degree programs has finally been addressed. Wired News reports that the Department of Education has released a searchable online database listing every accredited postsecondary educational institution and what accreditation they have. I have looked at the site and it is pretty slick. now all we have to do is get people – prospective students and employers – to use the database so that the fraudulent degrees are detected or avoided.