

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Interesting Discussion

Here is an interesting discussion at Situativity regarding the uses of blogs. One of the problems that I find as far as reaching the critical mass is that people blogging in education do not seem to be a typical sample…

Dilbert Strikes Again

Another good Dilbert. Does anyone know where I can get a new RSS feed for Dilbert? The site for the one I was using has apparently expired.

First Right Step

This is the best statement of the current position of the democratic party that I have recently read. Getting Howard Dean as the head of the party is the best first step that the party could have taken. Dean has…


I enjoyed reading Hyrum’s posting on Pain a few days ago. I thought I would offer the final correction. Last night Grandma died. She had had enough of the pain and finally it was over. The doctors kept getting mixed…

Soul Searching

This is the type of thing to expect from a party that is trying to find its place in American politics. The Democrats are starting to think about their stance on abortion as they search their souls to find ways…

Picasa 2

I was already a fan of picasa as a powerful tool to manage and touch-up pictures. Now I have tried Picasa 2 and it is a 100% improvement over Picasa. I would not have thought that possible, but the editing…

Social Computing Patterns

Part of the fun of the Social Computing class is that we can look at ourselves and evaluate the social computing of our class. One way we have done that is to interview other members of the class regarding the…


I have never linked to Dilbert before, but sometimes they are so funny I just have to share.


I was interested to read about Homesourcing and be reminded that I seem to be caught between two radical philosophies concerning conservation and energy independence. Radical not because they are unreasonable or extreme, but because they are so different from…


I have been hoping to move to WordPress as a show of my support for Open Source Software, and to keep myself free of the constraints of the free license for Movable Type. So far those constraints have not been…