Tag work

Selling Yourself

I’m probably a decade late in actually reading the Cluetrain Manifesto for all I had heard about it for most of that decade that I have been not reading it. In the process I certainly picked up on the message…

Working to My Strengths

My journey from mindless cubicle jockey to engaged employee. The journey was shorter than I had expected it to be and the destination was different than I imagined.

My New Car

My team will be moving to a new office in the coming weeks to a location that would add another hour or more each way to my commute if I kept taking the bus. I’ve known this for months so…

Living My Ideals

With the beginning of my new job I will have the opportunity to use public transportation regularly. I have always been in favor of using public transit but since I have always either worked from home or lived close enough…

Looking for Work

I am looking for work right now and I thought it might be worth casting my net here to see if anyone knows of anything in the area of internet or software development (or something politically oriented if you can…

A Dose of Competition

Today was a work day for the kids because they have not had to do any of their regular work in the last week. Unfortunately (but unsurprisingly) we found that they seemed to have misplaced their ability to work. They…

Day of Rest

After completing an 81 hour work week this week, the concept of having a day of rest takes on new significance for me. In fact, I think it might be time for a couple of 30 hour work weeks so…

Crunch Time

January was a very nice month for me as I was able to write every single day. Plenty of things have been happening in politics as the presidential primaries have twisted and turned on the path to next Tuesday. I’ve…


After some of my coworkers asked my opinion on the Fair Tax proposal I was planning to write about that today, but it was not meant to be. (Maybe tomorrow.) Instead I wanted to share an exciting experience from tonight.…