Tag tools


It seems that I can’t help but hear about Twitter. I’ve been hearing about it for a while from a number of people who’s technology opinions I respect. Again today I read more from Alan about Twitter. Twitter is one…

Technology and Gardening

So I could be posting about national news items, but instead I spent my spare time today working on a gardening wiki. Laura wanted to keep notes on the plants that we have planted with some of the more vital…

Lunar Day

I enjoyed watching the full moon set this morning as I was out running. I watched as the last wisp of the moon fell behind the mountains in the west. This evening I was driving to the store with my…

Online Genealogy

I stumbled upon a site called Geni today that was supposed to be a tool for online genealogy collaboration. What I found was not exactly what I had expected. It seems to be more heavily focused on the living generations…

Plugin Bug Fix

I was so excited by the plugin “Blogger RSS Import” that I failed to notice that it got all the dates wrong on comments (they were all set to midnight of the day I did the import). Thankfully, and very…

My Theme

I am making my theme available for anyone to download. The reason for this is that I would be very flattered to see another site that looked like mine. Realistically this was also an excuse for me to test the…

Fixed for IE

Thanks to Arve Bersvendsen I found a solution (once I discovered there was a problem) to the atrocious rendering of my site by Internet Explorer. I apologize to anyone who had to look at that after I claimed the site…

All Here

Well, my move from blogger is complete thanks to a WordPress plugin: Import New Blogger To WordPress. It was exceptionally smooth and I have all posts, comments, and categories from blogger. I had recreated all but one category already, but…

Functionally Complete

As of now I consider my site to be functionally complete. I do not currently anticipate substantial changes to the style or structure of the site. At some point I will post my style in case anyone is interested in…

Code for Old Blog Tools

I thought I would add the html code from some blog elements that I am putting away but which I may want to use again. Here is the html code for the election projections: <a href=”http://www.electoral-vote.com/”><img alt=”Click for www.electoral-vote.com” src=”http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2006/Icons/ev-small.png”…