Tag tools

Males and Power Tools

Working next to a major construction site I have been interested to see the reactions of myself and others working in my area. Despite the fact that we are all professionals in careers of our choosing we are also very…

I Finally Dig Digg

When Digg arrived on the web I wrote it off as another Slashdot – nothing wrong with it, but no reason for yet another account to remember. I change my tune today because of the fact that there are no…


I have been using Darren’s Related Posts plugin (DRPP) for a long time. For my purposes it was the best plugin for showing related posts that I had encountered. After a while I decided that I was not completely satisfied…

Another New Feature

I got a new plugin called In Series today. There have been a few times when I have written a series of posts that should be linked together. In the past I have tried to tie things together by referencing…

Archive Menu

I have created a new theme for my site (more like what I was unable to create before) which should render correctly in any browser. I know that the old theme was quirky in Internet Explorer. As part of creating…

Windows Genuine Safari

Apple ported their browser, Safari, to Windows and released a public beta this week. Having heard great things about Safari from a web-standards perspective I got it and had a look. Aside from the standards compliance it was just a…

Wireless Electricity

I’ve always said that there should be a way to power devices wirelessly. Now MIT has proven that it can be done. Just think what that will mean for the world of mobile devices.

New-Tech Day

I think that today marks the first time that three new technology concepts that I could get excited about have land on my desk in one day. Two of the three are quickly spreading around the internet while the third…

Classic Posts

I have been wanting to implement a “greatest hits” section in my sidebar ever since I read the lessons for would-be bloggers. Yesterday I discovered the classic posts plugin from Chris vs Chris which displays posts which you have designated…