Tag: rights
Systemic Problems
The tactic of not disclosing accusations traps decent people but has no adverse effect on malicious rule breakers.
Saying “No” to the TSA
Laura and I have been talking about what we can do in response to the horrendous new TSA procedures. Inspired by Connor and Jesse I took a first step by sending this letter: To: ata@airlines.org To Whom It May Concern, I have been appalled at the new security procedures being implemented by the TSA. I…
What Do You Expect?
What started as a post about Equality Before the Law grew into a discussion about the role of government in helping our fellow men. That eventually spun of into a discussion about how we can or should mix religion and politics at The Life I am Choosing. Later I ran across Connor’s post about the…
Rights and Liberty
This is 8 minutes well spent if you have any question about what constitutes a right and why rights are more than simply good things that deserve legal protection or assistance. (Hat tip: The Anti-PC Infidel)
Justice In Texas
The Texas Supreme Court has just shown what justice looks like: The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that the removal of FLDS children from the YFZ Ranch was unwarranted — and the decision to take them was an abuse of judicial discretion. . . . In its ruling, the high court said that state law…
A Reasonable Proposition
I think Tim Lynch has outlined a good idea for moving forward from the FLDS Texas Nightmare.
Defining “Rights”
I liked this very succinct argument about why health care is not a right. With one exception, the right to representation in court and a trial by jury, {the rights safeguarded in our Constitution} require nothing of any other citizen but that they recognize your rights and not interfere with them. Your “right to health…
Unalienable Rights
On the issues of gay rights, abortion rights, or womens rights I think that Ron Paul captures the truth with his repeated assertion that there is only one kind of rights – individual rights. These are the rights that were called unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence. When individual rights are properly protected many…