Tag responsibility
Shifting Responsibility in Sexual Assault
Incentives to Get Off Welfare
Another spinoff from the discussion about Equality Under the Law clicked a switch in my brain. Nothing that Anti-PC Infidel says in his post should surprise anyone who has seen the discussion already, but for some reason the following statement…
One Good Decision
I would not try to claim that one good decision can negate a series of very bad choices, but I think that Michael Rodriguez deserves to be acknowledged for his choice to skip an endless series of appeals. Instead he…
Anti Universal Coverage
This came along before I started reading the Cato blog regularly but I am definitely a member of The Anti-Universal Coverage Club. Health policy should focus on making health care of ever-increasing quality available to an ever-increasing number of people.…
An Average American Perspective
If you know who Lawrence Lessig is you will probably agree with me that he has proven himself to be much more intelligent than the average American citizen. If you don’t know who he is then you’ll have to take…
Our Chinese Finger Trap
Socialism is like a Chinese finger trap. Playing with it just a bit look harmless and even fun, but once you start on that road it much easier to get further trapped than it is to free yourself. Image based…
Fireworks and Personal Responsibility
It doesn’t take much thought to realize that a hot, dry summer does not mix well with fireworks. Governor Hunstman called on cities to ban personal fireworks because of our conditions this year. The Deseret News Editorial on the idea…