We Must Be On The Same Page
I started reading a book today that I randomly picked up at the library a couple of weeks ago. After reading the introduction I flipped to the authors bio. At the end of the bio the author lists a couple…
I started reading a book today that I randomly picked up at the library a couple of weeks ago. After reading the introduction I flipped to the authors bio. At the end of the bio the author lists a couple…
This morning started with the phone ringing as Trent Hall asked for someone to give the closing prayer in sacrament meeting – I accepted the invitation. Laura and I decided that it would be prudent to keep most of the…
After I hit the “Publish” button I realized that this is the first leap day since I started blogging. Amazing that it’s been almost 4 years (since June 2004) and this is the first February 29th.
I found the results of this candidate compatibility calculator interesting. The calculator consists of 23 issues that you rate your support as Yes/No/unsure and the importance of the issue as High I visited to find out what candidate my views…
Apple ported their browser, Safari, to Windows and released a public beta this week. Having heard great things about Safari from a web-standards perspective I got it and had a look. Aside from the standards compliance it was just a…
Last night right after I got in bed, Laura and I have a fun little interchange: Laura: Can I make one last Mother’s Day request? David: Sure. L: Can you go shut the window in the girls’ room? D: Good…
Random wanderings took me to the code view of the New York Times political blog – The Caucus. Like the Library of Congress blog, it is based on WordPress. They have modified it enough to make it difficult to detect,…
While reading through my feeds today I learned from Kim Cavanaugh’s Brain Frieze about the official Library of Congress blog. I went over to have a look and got curious about what software they had running the blog. Maybe it…
I am not once to follow these things too often, but when D’Arcy listed his personality type I wanted to go see how I would fare. I already knew my personality type, but it’s always interesting to see if there…
I was at a Boy Scout Eagle court of honor tonight for one of my younger cousins. This is in the same scout troop where I did my scouting as a youth. At the end of the ceremony all the…