Tag pets

Saffron and Elli…ot

Not long after Savannah left this morning for the Utah Classic ballroom competition Mariah called me into their room. “Dad come look, you’ve got to see this.” While we purchased two female dwarf hamsters it turns out that Ellie is…

Don’t Pounce!

As evidenced by the history already recorded here, keeping rodents as pets with young children pretty well guarantees that there will be a pattern of escape and recapture. Such was the case tonight. Mariah informed me that one of Alyssa’s…

There’s a Mouse in the House

Before the title causes anyone to get too excited let me quickly clarify that this is not actually a mouse story but “rodent” does not rhyme with house. Also, I should mention that “rodent” does not refer to a wild…

Finding Our Lost Sheep

Three days ago, on Wednesday evening, our hamster, Moonlight, got away from us. Normally when this happens we know where she is and/or she comes back where we can get her, but this time we could not locate her and…

Not Pregnant Anymore

To finish a story that Laura started earlier today – when we bought Angel last night (Savannah’s new pet mouse) we knew we were in for an adventure since she was pregnant. The woman at the store guessed that Angel…

Meet Zach

Yesterday we got a dog. We’ve been talking about it for a long time and Laura and I had decided by June to get one after the move. Two weeks ago (or even a week ago) we were expecting to…