Tag: meta

  • Stuck in Limbo



    The last few weeks I have consistently not written on Saturdays. Of course I have been generally less consistent, but Saturdays would seem like the time when I would have the most opportunity to make time to write. This week I have ample time to write, but I find that there is apparently another barrier…

  • April Fools Day

    Last year I didn’t even remember that it was April Fools Day, but as I look back at what I posted I can see that it was rather amusing.

  • Testing Content Management Systems

    I am trying to start using a content management system that is free (as in – not the free license of a system like MT) and produces valid xhtml but I am unwilling to mess with this site where everything is running so smoothly. I once tried to move to WordPress when my site went…

  • Back to Work

    I have completed the degree/move that took me away from blogging back in November. I am excited to come back to sharing my ideas as I tackle a new degree at a new institution with a new perspective. I will be hoping to get a few regular readers who will keep me on my toes…

  • Back on Track

    I have been busy in my offline life and have not posted for a while, but I am back. I have been wanting to talk about the path, or series of events that have lead me to my current situation. It has been an interesting ride and worthy of reflection (as proven by the fact…

  • Genealogy Site

    I have got the genealogy site that I talked about in Online Genealogy. It is located at www.miller-genealogy.us although right now it is only a message which talks about the site before redirecting any visitors back to this site. I will report progress on the site development here as it progresses . . . slowly.


    I have a Gmail invitation available if anyone is interested.