Tag: manhood
After #MeToo
Zero-tolerance is fine if the goal is revenge or punishment. If the goal is real change then something more effective is called for. The focus must be on healing and support for victims alongside change for both perpetrators and potential perpetrators.
My Top Books for a Personal Library
I had fun considering what I would list as my top five book to begin building a man’s personal library.
Promiscuity Culture is a War on Women
By making the social and physical cost/risk of sex appear artificially low, those who promote loose sexual morals place a heavier burden on women by encouraging them to participate too easily and ignore the hidden costs of doing so.
Pornography and Addiction
Pornography provides a dopamine hit for your brain just like smoking a cigarette provides a nicotine hit for the brain. In other words, what we might call a cigarette addiction is classified as a nicotine addiction and what we should call a pornography addiction would be classified as a dopamine addiction.
Responsibility as the Core of Manliness
While responsibility is the core of manhood, being proactive is a hallmark of manly responsibility.
Fatherhood vs Manhood
Fatherhood done right exemplifies all the highest traits of manliness and thus it is a great way to teach about those traits but we should be careful about leaving the false impression that fatherhood is an indispensable element of full manhood.
Commentary on “What is a Man (Again)”
My thoughts as I listened to JP and Bryce on their Sons of Adam podcast about my list of the Traits of Manhood.
Traits of Manhood
Exploring the defining traits that separate a man from an adolescent.
Boys Adrift
Everyone who expects to interact with boys or men under the age of 50 should read this book. I’ve stewed on this for weeks since reading it in an attempt to digest the content and decide how to convey the importance of this book. In the end I have concluded that I can hardly do it…