Tag learning

Gardening Problem

I face a little problem with my garden. Having extra time today, I finally got around to starting to clean out my garden. I know it’s a bit early in the season right now, but the bugs have been getting…

Discerning or Disagreeable

I have been going to conference sessions all day today and it has made me begin to question how I approach learning. I find that there are no classes where I simply absorb what is being said without finding parts…


What am I interested in? That is the question of the day. I have realized that I am floundering and I know myself well enough to know that when I have an interest to pursue I do not flounder. I…


I have been thinking about this whole process of death and grieving since Grandma’s death. I am amazed with how unpredictably predictable it has been. If you had asked me to predict two months ago – before Grandma was even…


I enjoyed reading Hyrum’s posting on Pain a few days ago. I thought I would offer the final correction. Last night Grandma died. She had had enough of the pain and finally it was over. The doctors kept getting mixed…


This is slightly related to the reflection that I talked about in Back on Track but it also comes out of thinking from my Social Computing Class. Our readings have talked about the trajectory that is reflected in systems of…


I have been riding an interesting emotional roller-coaster in the last few days. My grandmother – who has had her share of health problems in the last few years but is really very healthy considering her age – was diagnosed…

The Power of Direction

I have often floundered in my life when I did not feel that I had a direction in my mind for where I was heading with my current situation. I found myself in one of those doldrums last year –…

Learning for Life

Laura was talking about the need to do better at preparing young women for motherhood. This is not the first time that she has talked about this lack in preparing for life. It has not taken her very long to…

Learning by Doing

After a hectic couple of weeks I have noticed that my mind is returning repeatedly to a topic that I had not thought about very much before. I discover that I am interested in the proper balance of theory vs…