Tag: humor

  • I’m In

    Well, I’ve been struggling with the question of whether I should run to replace Jim Nielson in House District 19 since he announced that he won’t run for another term. Apparently Mike Leavitt told Mitt Romney about it and Mitt took the time to share his thoughts:   With that encouragement how could I not…

  • Collision of Worlds

    The mark of the beast will be set in the right hand or the forehead – it might be competing for that bodily real-estate…

  • Digital Dissociative Identity Disorder



    If you were to look at my email inbox and my twitter feed you would discover that besides being a regular(ish) guy I am also the former mayor of Toronto, a businessman (and former mayor of Elkhart) in Indiana, a playwright in New York, and a professional cricketer in South Africa. I can only imagine…