Tag health care

Causes and Symptoms

There are still times when doctors are limited to treating symptoms but generally in modern times our doctors seek to treat the underlying cause of a problem rather than the symptoms. We need to do more of that in the healthcare industry - especially as it relates to our most pressing chronic condition in the industry: uncontrolled costs.

The Scary Flu Monster

I won't argue that the flu vaccine is not worth getting but I am confident that it is not effective or important enough to mandate it for the general population.

Today’s Adventure

Laura called at 9:42 this morning and told me that she needed to take Alyssa to the emergency room at Primary Children’s Hospital with a cut on her face. I told a couple of people at work so they could…

Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Reports from the CBO that a Universal Health Coverage Bill would be budget neutral are obviously based on the third kind of lie (namely statistics). Could someone please point out to me where this plan gives health care providers an incentive to provide efficient, high-quality care? It seems to me that insuring all our uninsured citizens will never pay for itself in a system that thrives on inefficiency - as the current system does. Adding inefficiency couldn't possibly pay for itself.

A Novel Approach

As the clock starts in our efforts to reform out Utah health care system I was encouraged by this Op-Ed in the Salt Lake Tribune. Making health insurance affordable – forcing carriers to offer so-called “affordable plans” – will not…

Repeat After Me

If there was one thing that I would like to accomplish related to the health care issue it would be to highlight the fact that having health insurance does not equal having decent, or even basic, health care. The Deseret…

Myth Perpetuation

Just as our Task Force is getting started, NPR has a story on John McCain’s perspective on the issue. They outline his preferred approach – which seems generally right, and then they perpetuate one of the myths that might sink…

House Members on the Task Force

I wrote to the co-chairs of the HB133 Task Force asking for a full list of the task force members. David Clark responded with a list of all the task force members from the House. My current list of task…