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I am surprised to find that Leon reads widely enough among educational bloggers to have found little old me. I am both surprised and pleased that the Guru of the Obvious acknowledged me for my less than flattering commentary. I…

As I Was Saying

I had a thought when I posted Excess Capacity. Now I have seen this story in a few different places and I cannot stay silent on the subject. Basically, the story can be summed up like so: “Whether building a…

Dilbert Strikes Again

Another good Dilbert. Does anyone know where I can get a new RSS feed for Dilbert? The site for the one I was using has apparently expired.


I have never linked to Dilbert before, but sometimes they are so funny I just have to share.

Kernals of Truth

In “It takes a whole village – or does it?” I see some strong truths expressed that the family is the basic unit of society, but there is also a kernel of truth in the saying “it takes a village.”…


I moved to the University of Missouri and within two days I met one of my fellow students who introduced me to TheOpenCD. I have always been a proponent of free and open source software but not an activist. I…


Stephen Downes just posted an intro with a link to the powerpoint files for his keynote address at the Instructional Technology Institute. This will tell you what I heard when I thought what I posted in Thoughts Raised by Giants.…