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Candidate Announcements

This 2008 election is already shaping up to be a different animal from previous presidential elections as far as how campaigns are run and how the media is involved. Over at Oval Office 2008 comes the suggestion that a candidate…

Interesting Idea

So, this idea of a Redesigned alphabet is apparently not new. I was intrigued by the alphabet shown on Northtemple but I but I was less impressed by the font I found from the comments under the original post. The…

Functionally Complete

As of now I consider my site to be functionally complete. I do not currently anticipate substantial changes to the style or structure of the site. At some point I will post my style in case anyone is interested in…

New Running Shoes

My birthday present netted me a free consultation with a famous triathlete of my acquaintance, the host of Tri-Talk, who gave me tips on equipment and preparation for my marathon. One of the suggestions he made was that I should…


Thanks to J. Max Wilson for helping me discover this commentary on academia by Orson Scott Card. I have personally encountered theoretics in my education, especially my graduate education, and was sadly able to understand the entire course description he…

Can I Join Too?

I have to whole-heartedly agree with the thoughts of Alan Levine and D’Arcy Norman about the way reality TV is showing our decline from civilization.I think it is ironic that D’Arcy is offering to help buy an island to get…

Good Fit

I rarely just link to things like this, but I have been very excited to discover Mathemagenic where Lilia is interested in exactly what I have begun to pursue in my PhD studies. The difference is that she is way…

Time for a Poll

In our country, which is run by polls anyway, I think that it is time to take a poll to find out Is Cheap Broadband Un-American? According to the article “cities . . . recognized broadband access as a basic…

When Will We See the Light

It is about time that we acknowledged the truth of what happens when Lobbyists have so much sway in our system of government. I don’t think there is anything else to say after what Mr. Lessig wrote. This is more…

Nice Idea

I am sure that Lazyweb will come in handy for me because I do sometimes have ideas that I think others are more qualified to solve than I am. Thanks to Marco for pointing it out for people like me…